Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Feet First Into Hell - Part 2

Alright, it's day 3 of Basic and I finally have some free time.

Have we seriously been here for 3 days? Time flies by when you're getting smoked, I guess.

That first day by far was the longest. Spent all day laying about until our ship time of 1100. We were supposed to ruckmarch with our gear down range, which turned out to be 4 miles or so, but since it was Heat Cat 5, we were bussed. Let's just say the drill sergeants made up for it. Ah, the infamous Shark Attack. The whole company holding your bags over your head for 5 minutes while 12 drill sergeants run through the formation and scream at you followed by forming up in a new place, getting smoked, running back, trying to find your bags, getting smoked again as we fail continually (3 times in our case, got it on the 4th).

After the shark attack we were assigned to platoons. I am in 4th platoon, Warriors with DS Davis, DS King (currently absent) and Senior Drill Sergent Vilodosa. Our drill sergeants are cool. They smoke us when we mess up continually, but not constantly like the poor bastards in 3rd platoon where some of my friends from 30th AG are. Reynolds, Daoud, and Franks are in my platoon, also friends from 30th. My Battle Buddy's name in Beheyt, he's pretty cool, always pushes me to give 110%.

At the entrance to our company area, you have to drop and do 10 push ups. We've been smoked for people not doing them, but we think the DS are lying. Regardless, we do them as a group now and count off together, it looks and sounds impressive, which is what I think they wanted from us. Teamwork.

Day 2 was spent in issue, getting a second duffel bag, body armor, plates for the armor, MOLL-E vest (the thing with all the pouches for ammo, canties, etc.) which we got to assemble, our helmet, and other gear. Today we spent meeting our company commander CPT Perkins, and being issued our M4 carbies with an M68 close-quarters optic red dot sight.

We are set to graduate on 20 November, with family day on the 19th and a 36 hour pass around week 9 or 10.

That's all for now, still got to take a shower. Also, DO NOT send anything but letters unless I specifically request it.


Address: (must be exactly as shown)

RN 406 PV2 Bradley, Matthew
A Co. 2-58th IN ITB
9375 Conway Dr.
Ft. Benning, GA 31905-4926

Part 2 blog update coming soon, no time now, write address exactly as written.

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